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Application of roller type production line and maintenance and lubrication method of roller

TIME:2022-03-25 READING:446TIME
With the widespread application of drum production lines in various fields, many enterprises also use this equipment, and drum production lines can greatly improve production efficiency.
The assembly line drums are easy to connect and filter, and multiple drum lines and other assembly line equipment or special planes can be used to form a complex logistics conveying system to complete various process needs. At the same time, the accumulation and release roller can also be used to realize the accumulation and transportation of materials. It is more suitable for the transportation of various boxes, bags, pallets, etc. Bulk materials, small items or irregular items with a flat bottom need to be transported on a pallet or in a turnover box, which can transport a single piece of heavy weight. materials, or bear large impact loads, the roller conveyor has a simple structure, high reliability, and is easy to use and maintain.
The design and structure of the assembly line drum is simple, the safety and reliability of operation and operation are relatively high, and it is also very convenient to operate and maintain in daily production operations. The assembly line drum is mainly composed of rollers, racks, brackets, and driving parts. The roller is an assembly line roller machine that relies on the friction between the rotating roller and the article to move the article forward. It has the characteristics of large conveying capacity, fast speed, light operation, and can realize multi-variety collinear shunt conveying.
According to the driving form of the assembly line drum, it can be divided into a power assembly line drum, an unpowered assembly line drum, and an electric assembly line drum from the driving form. Horizontal conveying, inclined conveying and turning conveying are carried out according to the layout. In the power assembly line drum, the operation method of the driving drum is usually not driven by a single drive, but mostly driven by a combination of a motor and a reducer. It drives the rotation of the assembly line drum.
Due to the simple structure and convenient maintenance of the assembly line, it is widely used. The operator of the conveying equipment should pay attention to the maintenance and maintenance of the machine in the daily work, and the lubrication of the conveying roller is particularly important. Generally, the following lubrication methods are mainly used:
1. The conveyor should keep the tools used in the equipment, scrub regularly, check frequently, and keep it completely clean;
2. Check the temperature change of the lubrication part of the conveyor roller, and the temperature of the shafting should be kept within the specified range;
3. The conveyor is pressurized or the transmission screw and the nut should be lubricated with oil regularly, and the transmission screw and nut that are not commonly used should be sealed with oil seals;
4. For the lubrication points where the conveyor is automatically filled with oil, the oil pressure, oil level, temperature and oil delivery volume of the oil pump should be checked frequently, and problems should be dealt with in time;
5. Conveyor lubrication operators should make patrol inspections on time, pay attention to whether there is oil leakage and abnormal changes in the lubrication points, and solve problems in time;
CONTACT: Manager Yang THE PHONE:138-1206-3881  TECHNICAL SUPPORT:Wuxi Tiandi Online Network Technology Co. LTD 【苏ICP备2022014916号
ADDRESS: No.68, Xihu Road, Anzhen Street, Xishan District, Wuxi city
COPYRIGHT: Wuxi Shengmai Precision Manufacturing Technology Co., LTD 【MANAGEMENT